Common Symbolism Of Roses

Giving roses to the ones you love is a traditional, romantic gesture that everyone appreciates. However, before you choose the bouquet to give, take a moment to learn about the meanings and symbolism of your gift. Sending the right rose bouquet makes sure that your message isn't misunderstood.

Rose Color Meanings

Red roses are traditionally meant to convey passionate love and desire. Darker reds can be used to express deep sorrow, regret, or melancholy. Brighter reds express love and romantic intentions.

Orange roses mean desire, passion, and lust. They are also meant to convey pride and energy. Giving a bouquet of orange roses means you feel an amazing attraction, but it hasn't progressed into true love just yet.

Lavender roses mean you fell in love the moment you first met. Dark lavender roses can be used to express fascination. The main message behind a lavender rose is, "I adore you."

Blue roses are the symbol of unrequited love. Giving someone blue roses means that you know you cannot be together, but you love them deeply anyway. A more modern interpretation of blue roses is, "I will give you everything you desire."

White roses are symbolic of purity, innocence, and faithfulness. Because of their traditional association with new beginnings and chastity, white roses are popular wedding flowers. They are also associated with spirituality and goodness, and may be given in sympathy at the death of an innocent.

Pink is the color of joy, grace, and admiration. Lighter shades express innocence and happiness, while darker pink means thankfulness and appreciation. Giving pink roses means you are glad you met.

Green roses symbolize fertility, peace, and harmony. Green roses also mean good health and a tranquil life. Although giving green roses is somewhat rare, they make a great gift for those just starting a new life, or for new mothers. They are also a nice way to wish someone a speedy recovery from illness or loss.

Yellow roses mean friendship and heartfelt concern. Its bright hue evokes warmth, good times, and companionship. Yellow roses are strictly for friends, as they carry no romantic undertones. Giving a dozen yellow roses means, "You are my best friend."

Black roses symbolize death and endings. Sending black roses means that your relationship has died, and you wish to part ways. A single black rose indicates deep mourning and loss. However, in the Gothic subculture, black roses mean fatal attraction.

What the Number of Flowers Means

The number of flowers you give can carry an important message, as well. Meanings may vary according to the color of the roses, as well as their type. Here are some of the most common meanings for the number of flowers you give.

A single red rose is a declaration of love, while an orange rose means you are proud of the person you give it to. A single pink rose means you like the person, and a yellow rose means you want to be friends. Blue means you think you will never have the person you desire. A single white rose means you are truthful and sincere.

2 roses mean you wish to be engaged, while 3 expresses a desire to go out and have fun. 6 roses mean you are still falling in love. 12 mean you want a serious relationship. 25 roses mean you are completely in love. 25 roses may also be given to congratulate someone on a job well done. 50 roses mean your love has no bounds, and 99 roses mean eternal, undying love.

Different Rose Variety Meanings

Wild roses symbolize simple pleasures and innocence. Tea roses mean you will never forget. Leaf roses symbolize hope, and musk roses mean beauty. The meanings of different rose varieties are usually not well known, and may need to be explained with a note attached to your gift.